Noisy Beehive

Brønshøj Vandtårn
3. marts 2021 Beehive, Brønshøj, Noisy, Vandtårn
Film by Alexander Mackenzie.

Event by organized and curated by Noisy Beehive in a collaboration with Brønshøj Vantårn.
Performance recorded on March 22nd, 2019 by Alexander Mackenzie.

The Art of Escapism are using voice as the most expressive and intimate from all instruments, Ania Rybacka (PL) and Lo Ersare (SWE) create a musical universe, welcoming the audience to escape from daily routines, matters of past and future.

Rasmus Svale is a tubaist and improvisor based in Copenhagen. Rasmus has, over the last few years, explored the tuba as a solo instrument - the timber and textural universe of the instrument. In 2017 he record and released 12 solo albums - one a month - each album with a new concept.

Max Morris is a multi-disciplinary artist from Manchester, now based in Copenhagen. His work ranges from sight specific video installations to documentary and performative cinema as well as costume making and special effects.

An event was curated by Noisy Beehive - an experimental music venue, an independent record label and an art collective, based in Copenhagen. For the last four years, the collective organized and curated around 70 events around Copenhagen. Placing the accent on the experimental music, the collective correspondingly works in the fields of contemporary dance, theater and visual art. Noisy Beehive maintain the continuous joint projects in Vilnius, Berlin and Istanbul.

Brønshøj Vandtårn, build 1928. Active as water supply for Copenhagen from 1930-2011. Opening as venue for arts & culture 2019. Now run by Kulturhuset Pilegården.

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